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padding-bottom: 66.56%;">“拔火罐疗法”英文怎么说

Taiwan rocker Chyi Chin got deep second-degree burns while undergoing cupping therapy, a traditional way to keep healthy in Chinese medicine, at home in Beijing early Thursday morning, Taiwan media reports. The 51-year-old star was then sent to hospital.

The accident was caused by the therapist's incorrect operation. Chyi suffered burns to his back, face and chest, and is now in stable condition.



 【讲解】文中的cupping therapy即指拔火罐疗法,是一种以杯罐作工具,借热力排去其中的空气产生负压,使吸着于皮肤,造成淤血现象的一种疗法,cup做名词时有“杯子”的意思,作动词时则有“为……拔火罐”的意思。拔罐疗法是中医的一种传统疗法,我们再来看看中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)中一些其它疗法:acupuncture(针灸),Chinese massage(推拿),skin scraping (刮痧)。