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1、BEC 2 口语考试总时间约为14分钟(一组两个考生)。Part 1 这部分是主考官与考生的对话,考官问的问题一般有:姓名、职业、所学专业,对所从事的工作或所学专业是否喜欢,为什么喜欢或不喜欢等等。另外,考官会就某一方面问考生,如有关就业就可能问:What would your ideal job be? Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? Is the opportunity to work abroad important to you? 等等。

2、当主考官在与一考生对话时,另一考生必须仔细听,因为主考官问了考生甲Do you think all companies ought to provide training opportunities for staff? 后可能会问考生乙What do you think of it?如果考生乙没有仔细听,就要对考官说Sorry或Please pardon 这样会影响口试效果。口试第一部分考试时间约为4分钟。

3、Part 2这一部分要求考生就某一主题进行阐述。考生就信息卡上的问题回答。如:What is important when … ? Opening a branch in a new cityl The locationl The potential purchasing power 阐述完了之后,考官司就所阐述的内容提问。只要考生能对信息卡的内容有所了解,一般可以较好地回答问题。

4、art 3这部分要求考生就某一题目进行讨论,主考官会适时介入谈话。两个考生在讨论都应该积极参与,不能将问题交给对方去阐述,讨论是双向的。如:Business SeminarYour company is going to hold a seminar on a certain topic about marketing. You have been asked to help with the preparation for the seminar.Discuss the situation together and decide:l What facilities and seminar arrangements you will need to makel Who you are going to invite to attend the seminar, and how to contact them.另外,考生要注意不要挖空心思去寻找对应的英语来表达汉语思维的内容,只要达到效果就行。如有的考生要表达"沿海城市",如果不知道coastal city,可以用其它的方法来表示这个意思,如可以用the city along the coast 或 the city on the sea等。



在记忆商务英语词汇时,建议同学采用归类联想记忆法,即一个topic下,涉及到的词汇同时记忆掌握。例如:与网络有关的词汇,download(下载), e-mail(电子邮件), Global Area Network(网), netizen(网民), website(网页), log in(登录), hacker(黑客), modem(调制解调器)。web page(网页), webzine(网络杂志), host(主机)等;与营销有关的词汇,hot product(热销产品), buying power(购买力), seller's market(卖方市场)。buyer's market(买方市场), second hand(二手的), target customer(目标客户), nichemarket(缝隙市场)等。在归类的时候,如能总结出单词之间的内在联系就更好了。例如:insurance company(保险公司)包含sales(销售), accounts(账目), claims(索赔)等,sales又包含direct sales(直接销售), brokers(经纪人), agents(代理人)等。可以将单词画成树形来记忆(或者其他能表示单词间关系的思维导图)。现在市面上也能买到很多分类词汇手册,比如《剑桥商务英语中级词汇语境记忆手册》。《剑桥商务英语BEC核心词汇(初级、中级、高级)》等。可以买一本来,根据单元(话题)来背诵。


有一些单词是基础词汇,只不过在商务场合含义发生了变化。例如balancen 平衡,在会计领域有“结余、差额”的意思;对于这部分词汇,除了上述归类联想记忆法,还需要平时在阅读中多积累。遇到一个新的生词,结合上下文猜测意思,然后通过查字典得到准确的含义。接着联系该单词本义,找到“为什么它有这个含义”。一般来说,一个单词意思再多,也是从基本词义上拓展出来的。比如上文中提到的balance,由“平衡”想到“收支平衡”再到“结余、差额”,一步步来,总能找到共通点帮助记忆。




1. 上下文句子间内容的内在联系

例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, salaries, and benefits have glossed over these concerns.

The growth in labor costs continued to slow in the second quarter – a pattern that held true in all major regions. However, the slowdown in labor costs is due to solely to sharp cutbacks in what companies,

mainly large corporations, are paying for benefits, which make up about a fourth of total compensation costs nationally. Because of slower growth in costs of health care,

workers‘ compensation, and state unemployment insurance, benefits grew only 2.6% during the past year, the lowest pace in record.

在这一段落中,作者用了五个cost。虽然每一句中的cost未必是前一句中同一词的简单重复,但都与labor cost 相吻合,使整个段落所表达的内容连贯地表述出来。


2. 替代

例:But since few have marked down their own prices in line with the metal’s fall, they will be able to recoup much of the differences.

Not so the producers, whose income is directly related to the fluctuating daily price on the London Metal Exchange.


这里so代替了to recoup much of the difference.

3. 省略

例:The Japanese have their electronics, the Germans their engineering. But when it comes to command of global markets, the U.S. owns the service sector.


第一句the Germans后面省略了have一词。

例:Meanwhile, pressure has been growing from the car companies. GM ships about 60% of its cars and trucks with Ryder, while Chrysler ships some 40%.


最后一句结尾some 40% 后面省略了of its cars and trucks.

4. 连接词

介词和副词常在句子和段落间起衔接作用,把句子和段落间的意思连贯地表述出来。西方经贸报刊中用于承上启下的连接词可表示对比,如:but, however, whereas等;

表示原因,如:since, because, due to等;表示结果,如:with;表示目的,如:so that, in order to等;表示时间发展的先后顺序,如:first, second, next, then等,以及表示情况的内在联  系,如:and, as well as, in the case等。

例:Still, August‘s strong output gains don’t look sustainable.

First of all, current modest demand growth will not support any more increase that large. Second, now that manufacturers have worked to get their inventories lower, they will be cautious about adding goods in coming months.


