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英魔术师上演"水上漂" 横渡泰晤士河

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padding-bottom: 50.4%;">英魔术师上演

Most magicians are capable of unbelievable feats, after all it's their stock in trade, but how many have unbelievable feet? Dynamo, whose real name is Steve Frayne, has showed some rather nifty feet as he walked on water for his latest jaw-dropping stunt. The Bradford-born illusionist, 28, made it half way across the stretch of the river in front of the Houses of Parliament in London before he was picked up by a River Police boat.

台湾魔术师刘谦在春节联欢晚会上的“见证奇迹的时刻到了”一席标志性广告词让国人见识到了“近景魔术”的魅力,同时也敞开了中国观众吸收外国魔术的大门,近日,来自英国伦敦的28岁近景魔术大师Dynamo就在泰晤士河上就在英国议会大厦“面前”展现了他的“徒步行走”绝对近景特级魔术,而这位真实名字为 Steve Frayne的英国天才魔术师就在泰晤河上“闲庭漫步”了几个回合,直到围观的游客以及伦敦市民太多造成了拥堵情况后,他才被一只“警察巡逻游艇”给请上了岸。


Stunned onlookers watched from Westminster Bridge as the magician recorded the stunt for his new TV show Dynamo: Magician Impossible. Frayne has so far built his name on the celebrity circuit, astounding a host of famous names with his tricks.

Dynamo 是英国最具有天赋的魔术师之一,为了他的电视真人秀打气,这位魔术师在泰晤河上的特技魔术表演引来了好多人围观,图为游客以及市民站在威斯敏斯特大桥上观看他的表演。据悉,Dynamo的Adidas鞋带变色魔术当时获得了近景魔术奖.,而那次的“鞋带变色魔术”被应用在了阿迪达斯2006年的广告当中,让Dynamo的名字家喻户晓。


The magician's spectacular tricks in the coming series include him transporting a mobile phone into a glass beer bottle, turning snow into diamonds in the Austrian mountains and bringing a flutter of butterflies to life in Hollywood's famous Chateau Marmont.
