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高银地产股票飙升 Goldin stock rockets up 65% after $2.8bn sale

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高银地产股票飙升 Goldin stock rockets up 65% after $2.8bn sale

Shares of Hong Kong real estate company Goldin Properties shot up as much as 65 per cent on Thursday aFTer it sold a number of assets including a 117-storey skyscraper – among the tallest in the world – for Rmb18.0bn ($2.8bn).

周四,香港房地产公司高银地产(Goldin Properties)股价一度飙升65%。此前,该公司以180亿元人民币(合28亿美元)的价格售出了旗下部分资产,包括一栋117层的摩天大楼。这座楼是全球最高的建筑之一。

Details of the transaction are murky. The two buyers, who will split the cost, are described as “an associate of the Chairman who is a connected person and an independent third party.” The transaction, subject to shareholder approval, is expected to be done by February 29.


Goldin Properties, one of two listed companies owned by Goldin Group and tightly-held by billionaire Chairman Pan Sutong, has been among the volatile stocks in Hong Kong this year. Between January and May it shot up 450 per cent, expanding its market value to nearly $13bn, before collapsing by as much as 80 per cent. When its shares were suspended on December 8, it was still sporting a 55 per cent gain for the year, for a value of $3.6bn.

高银地产是高银集团(Goldin Group)旗下两家上市公司之一,这两家公司的股权都牢牢把握在集团董事长、亿万富翁潘苏通手里。高银地产的股票是今年波动较大的几只港股之一。今年1月至5月,其股价狂涨450%,市值扩大到近130亿美元,而后又暴跌多达80%。高银地产12月8日停牌时,相对于年初的价位仍有55%的涨幅,市值为36亿美元。

The wild stock gyrations have been exacerbated by tight liquidity. Chairman Pan and his associates own nearly 65 per cent of the company, and trading is thin. Mr Pan, a polo enthusiast who has been profiled in the FT here and here, won’t vote on the transaction given his “material interest” in the deal, the statement says.


Goldin Properties has just one project, but it’s a doozy: a sprawling 2m square metre business district called Goldin Metropolitan, in Tianjin, north of Beijing. The property’s crown jewel is China’s largest polo club, which sits alongside high-end shopping, a six-star hotel, plus 12 tower blocks and 33 mansions (each with its own tennis court.) Mr Pan, who also owns vineyards and a luxury magazine, has said the project caters to “the tip of the wealth pyramid.”

高银地产只有一个项目,但该项目不同凡响。它的名字叫作“新京津高银天下”(Goldin Metropolitan),是一个建筑面积200万平方米的商业区,位于天津市。该项目“皇冠上的宝石”是中国最大的马球俱乐部,其周边设有高档购物中心、一座六星级酒店、12座塔楼和33栋大厦,每栋大厦都配有网球场。潘苏通旗下资产还包括葡萄园和一家奢侈品杂志,他曾表示该地产项目迎合了“财富金字塔的塔尖人群”。

The $2.8bn sale comprises the 117-storey, 597m “Goldin Finance 117″ skyscraper, a 37-storey office building, “a mega high-end shopping mall” and other ancillary facilities.



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