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20. Future ['fju:tʃə]
Basic need 音形义
Everyday Expressions
n. 未来
What will be the future of China?
n. 前途
Andy has a bright future.
promising future 光明的前景
futuristic (新潮的,非传统的);
futures (期货);
futurism (未来派)


future tense (将来时)
past tense
present tense

常见搭配 Useful Phrases
政治前程 political future
前途光明 a promising future
前途黯淡 a dark future
从今以后 in the future
不久将来 in the near future
供以后参考 for future reference
放眼未来 to look to the future

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
have a great/bright future 前途远大
have no future/ to have a dull future 没有前途
生活用语 Street Talks
A: I'm sorry I was late.
B: Be on time in the future.
A: Angela, I heard you gave up your job?
B: Yeah, because there's no future in it. (前途)
A: Alice is for sure a good student.
B: Yeah! I see a bright future before her.

A: We're trying to plan our future.
B: If you knew what the future was going to be like, life would be boring.
谚语 Proverbs
When all else is lost the future still remains. 一切全失,未来仍存。
The future becomes the present if we fight for it. 只要肯奋斗,远景变现实。

21. Girl

You are my girl. 《Forrest Gump》
Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions
n. 女孩
There are more girls than boys in our class.
n. 女儿
My little girl is ill.
n. 女朋友
John and his girl came to lunch.

girlish (少女般的);
girlhood (少女时代)

the Girl Scouts (女童军);
Spice Girls
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
女职员 an office girl
女话务员 a hello girl (or telephone operator)
(杂志等)封面女郎 a cover girl
堕落的女子 a fallen girl (or a fallen angel)
和女友约会 to date a girl
泡妞 to chase girls(go after , run after, pursue)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs
girl Friday 得力的女助手
bar girl 吧女
bus girl 餐馆里的女杂工
call girl 妓女
party girl 热衷于社交聚会的女子
get a girl into trouble 使女子怀孕

生活用语 Street Talks
A: Jean and Joan are unbelievably different girls. And you'll never believe they are cousins.
B: You said it! Jean's so excellent that her boss praised her as his girl Friday; Joan, on the other hand is a party girl and spends little time on study.

A: Did you meet Wallace's girlfriend? She's gorgeous!
B: I only heard recently that Wally got her into trouble!
名言 Quotations
Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.
Louisa May Alcott (1832-8), U.S. author. Laurie, in Little Women, pt. 2, ch. 12 (1869).

22. Glass [ɡlɑ:s, ɡlæs]
Basic need 音形义 Everyday Expressions
n. 玻璃
A mirror is made of glass.
n. 玻璃杯
I drink a glass of milk every day!
饮料杯 a beverage glass
啤酒杯 a beer glass (or a jar mug)
雪利酒杯 a sherry glass
威士忌酒杯 a whisky glass
白兰地酒杯 a Brandy glass (or snifter) ['sniftə] (n. 狭口的酒杯)
红葡萄酒酒杯 a wine glass
n. 眼镜 (pl) (也为 spectacles) ['spektəkl]
墨镜 sun glasses
花镜 reading glasses
度数深的眼镜 strong glasses
隐形眼镜 contact lenses
近视镜 glasses for near-sighted persons
glassful (一杯的容量);
glassy (像玻璃那样的);
glaze (v. 给…镶嵌玻璃/给某物覆盖上薄而亮的表面) [ɡleiz] (琉璃瓦 glazed tile)
glass house (温室);
glassware (总称:玻璃器皿); hardware 五金;houseware 家庭用具;ware 器皿
glassworks (玻璃制造厂);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
斟满一杯 to fill up a glass
碰杯(祝酒) to touch glasses
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Could I have a glass of water please?
B: Sure, make yourself at home.
(Sure 比 of course 更口语)

A: I'd like to raise my glass to our host! (干杯)
B: Cheers.
A: Take another glass, everybody. (再喝一杯; or take another drink)
B: Let's drain the glass to the bottom. (让我们一饮而尽。Or Bottoms up!)
A: Please pour this milk into that glass.
B: OK. My pleasure.
谚语 Proverbs ['prɔvə:bz]
Women and glass are always in danger. 女人和玻璃,总在危险中。