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The Joy of Awards: Toni Morrison

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托妮·莫里森是当代杰出的黑人女性作家,她的主要成就就在于她别具一格的长篇小说。莫里森的长篇小说标志着20世纪美国黑人文学史上继赖特,艾里森之后的又一座高峰。作为一名黑人作家,莫里森一直致力于保护,维持和弘扬黑人文化。1993年莫里森凭借其长篇小说《秀拉》获得诺贝尔文学奖。其获奖理由为:“Who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality.”下面是莫里森获得诺贝尔奖演说中的一部分:

The Joy of Awards: Toni Morrison

I entered this hall pleasantly haunted by those who have entered it before me. That company of Laureates is both daunting and welcoming, for among its lists are names of persons whose work has made whole world available to me. The sweep and the specificity of their art have sometimes broken my heart with the courage and clarity of its vision.


The astonishing brilliance with which they practiced their craft has challenged and nurtured my own. My debt to them rivals the profound one I owe to the Swedish Academy for having selected me to join that distinguished alumnae.


I will leave this hall, however, with a new much more delightful haunting than the one I felt upon entering: that is the company of Laureates yet to come. Those who, even as I speak, are mining, sifting and polishing language for illuminations none of us has dreamed of.


But whether or not any of them secures a place in this pantheon, the gathering of these writers is unmistakable and mounting. Their voices bespeak civilizations gone and yet to be; the precipice from which their imaginations gaze will rivet us; they do not blink nor turn away.




v. 围绕


n. 桂冠诗人


n. 照明


n. 万神殿

dream of:

v. 梦想

whether…or not:



演说的节选的第一段以短短的三句话不仅表达了莫里森获奖的喜悦,而且表达了莫里森对于文学的喜爱。从莫里森表达获奖喜悦的同时夸赞曾获奖前辈以及他们为自己带来的震撼便可看出莫里森遣词造句的能力和其流畅的表达:pleasantly,daunting,welcoming以及delightful等词的使用使一个获奖之情溢于言表的莫里森通过文字的力量穿越数十年出现在我们的眼帘,脑海。很明显,这一小段的第一句表达了莫里森获奖的喜悦,第二句表达了莫里森可以与优秀的作家为舞的喜悦,因为是这些人让莫里森看到了一个更为广阔的世界(made the whole world available to me)。两种喜悦交织在一起使莫里森由衷地赞叹前人所取得成就。第三句是这一小段中情感表达最为强烈的一句,其选词和句式也是最值得学习的一句。The sweep and the specificity of their art作为句子的主语,句子的谓语由完成时have broken来充当,heart作为句子的宾语,整个句子为主谓宾结构。在这句里,break one’s heart表示莫里森为前人的才华和成就感到心醉。这是一颗怎样沉醉于艺术的美好心灵使其在前人的成就下发出这样的感叹!

演说节选的第二小段和第三小段都由两个长句组成。对前人惊人的才华(astonishing brilliance)的赞扬以及对瑞典学院和这些引路人的感激使一位谦逊心怀感恩的大师跃然纸上。节选的第三小段的最后一句很明显与第一小段相呼应,那些文学大师们,在莫里森获奖演说时仍然在挖掘(mine)筛选(sift)润色(polish)语言去照亮那个我们还为梦想到的世界。正是他们的努力把这还未曾梦想到的世界展现在新一代文学爱好者的面前并为他们打开了通向更为广阔的世界的大门,使得热爱文学的火炬得以代代传承,生生不息。


作为大师的获奖演说,其文字的使用本身就是一种值得后生学习和追求的美。例如选段中的第一段莫里森用break one’s heart这一词组表示自己醉心于文学艺术。这样的表达是不是比I love literature或I like literature更加能够让听众或读者感受到她炽热的情感呢?第二段里动词nurture作为“培养”的含义使用时传达出来的感受要比同义的简单词汇foster所传达出来的意义更为精准,因为nuture不仅表达抚养长大,更表示精神上的滋养和鼓励! 同样在这段中常以名词词性意为“对手”出现的rival此处也作为动词意为“比得上”出现,使句子的表达与用词富于多样化。第三段中are mining, sifting, polishing三个现在分词的使用是的莫里森的表达不仅具有音韵美而且增强了其传达的力量! Their voices bespeak civilizations gone and yet to be; the precipice from which their imaginations gaze will rivet us; they do not blink nor turn away. (他们声音会预言已逝或者还未到来的文明;他们站在悬崖边上所做的幻想的凝视将会把我们大家的目光集中起来;而他们将目不转睛,也不会逃避。)是节选的最后一句。此句中bespeak意为“预言,预测”由前缀be-加动词speak(说)组成。与voice(声音)连用,很明显bespeak要比predict,foresee等词更加合适。作为大师的获奖演说,除却其思想的表达,就连用词都将其精妙之处诠释地恰到好处。




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